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媒體:一名美國在華間諜被捕 ;天安門母親:從阿拉伯之春看到希望 ;電子游戲預示德國捧杯

Ding Zilin, co-founder of the Tiananmen Mothers, a group representing families of those who died in the 1989 crackdown on pro-democracy demonstrations, arranges a photo of her son, Jiang Jielian, at her apartment in Beijing Wednesday June 4, 2008. Wednesday is the 19th anniversary of the military assault in which hundreds, possibly thousands, were killed as Chinese troops shot their way through the city to end weeks of protests in Tiananmen Square. Ding's 17-year-old son was killed in the assault. (AP Photo/Greg Baker)
圖片來源: AP
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