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新聞之後的時事焦點關注:新華社公佈谷開來案「庭審紀實」 台北快訊關注:奧運成績不佳,台灣體委會挨批 聽眾園地之後是德語媒體看中國

Policemen to check a government vehicle outside the Hefei Intermediate People's Court, where Gu Kailai is being tried for murder, in Hefei, Anhui Province August 9, 2012. China holds its most sensational trial this week since convicting the Gang of Four over 30 years ago, putting Gu Kailai, the wife of deposed leader Bo Xilai, in the dock for murder. REUTER/Aly Song (CHINA - Tags: CRIME LAW POLITICS)
2012年8月11日德國之聲中文廣播晚間節目音頻圖片來源: Reuters

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