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埃及總統穆爾西要求阿薩德下台; 歐盟展開反傾銷調查 中國表遺憾; 廖亦武籲世人關注藏人處境; 民主獎得主亞德∙本∙阿克霍爾; 功能性文盲在閱讀中重獲新生; 《德語媒體看中國》

--FILE-- A Chinese man walks amid solar panels at a solar power facility in Wuhan city, central Chinas Hubei province, March 19, 2010. The focus of solar farm developments is shifting and North America and the Asia-Pacific are set to surpass Europe - the traditional front runner of clean energy adoption - as the areas of fastest-growing solar power installations. According to a Merrill Lynch report, China, India, Japan and South Korea are together projected to have 6,300 megawatts (MW) of solar panel installations by 2012, up almost tenfold from 650 MW last year. China alone is forecast to show 20-fold growth in installations to 4,000 MW, while the US and Canada are projected to see their combined solar panel installations surge eightfold to 4,400 MW from 550 MW.
Solarenergie in China圖片來源: picture-alliance/Chen liang wh - Imaginechina

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