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「識別區」之爭:日美"軟硬兼施 息事寧人"?北京當局「清網」初步成功?中紀委新規:新官要曬家底;前衞生部官員:當局害怕艾滋感染者到北京;陳德銘上阿裡山,抗議聲跟進;德語媒體

epa03045006 (FILE) A file picture dated 19 April 2005 shows two Japan Air Self-Defense Force F-15 aircraft during a refueling training exercise held off the Kyushu island coast, in south Japan. Reports state on 29 December 2011 that the United States has confirmed the sale of nearly 23 billion euros of new fighter jets to Saudi Arabia. The US will send 84 Boeing F-15 jets to Saudi Arabia, and upgrade 70 existing Saudi F-15s. EPA/HITOSHI MAESHIRO *** Local Caption *** 00000402956167 +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++
圖片來源: picture-alliance/dpa


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