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經濟學家吳敬璉:改革與革命賽跑;北韓以核威脅,鞏固金式政權;影子銀行 問題嚴重;歐洲深陷危機大迷宮;南歐國家接受援助,個人富得流油;德國青少年:生在福中不知福。德語媒體看中國欄目

North Koreans dance together beneath a mosaic painting of the late leader Kim Il Sung during a mass folk dancing gathering in Pyongyang Thursday, April 11, 2013, to mark the anniversary of the first of many titles of power given to leader Kim Jong Un after the death of his father Kim Jong Il. (AP Photo/David Guttenfelder)
Volkstanz in Pjöngjang Nordkorea圖片來源: picture-alliance/(AP Photo


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