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** RETRANSMISSION TO CORRECT SPELLING of MIDDLE NAME ** FILE - In this image released May 7, 2003, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, al-Qaida's No.3, operational leader, and alleged Sept. 11 mastermind, is seen shortly after his CIA capture during a raid in Pakistan March 1, 2003. Months later Mohammed acknowledged knowing his one-time protege, Abu Ahmed al-Kuwaiti, but denied he was an al-Qaida figure of any importance. The CIA suspected a lie and reasoned that if they could find al-Kuwaiti, they could find bin Laden. Al-Kuwaiti, who had become one of al-Qaida's most important couriers, eventually and unwittingly led the agency to Osama bin Laden's doorstep in Pakistan. (AP Photo/File).
圖片來源: AP


美國911恐怖襲擊主謀將面臨關塔那摩灣一軍事法庭的審判。美國國防部發布消息稱,受到指控的謝赫‧穆罕默德(Chalid Scheich Mohammed)以及另外4名嫌犯已經被轉交至美軍在古巴關塔那摩基地設置的法庭。軍方司法機關將申請對這5名男子判處死刑。此案計劃將於5月開始審理。至此,美國總統歐巴馬原本計劃讓一民事法庭審理此案的努力宣告失敗。美國國會拒絕為關閉關塔那摩監獄提供資金,也不同意將該監獄的囚犯轉移至美國本土。

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