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[10162477] Internationaler Auftritt des Online-Videoportals YouTube PARIS 07/06/19. Google launches YouTube France in Paris. As reported last week, Google has launched versions of its video sharing service YouTube in French and other languages. Google executives including CEO give further details of the new services at a news conference in Paris today. +++(c) dpa - Report+++[10162477] Internationaler Auftritt des Online-Videoportals YouTube PARIS 07/06/19. Google launches YouTube France in Paris. As reported last week, Google has launched versions of its video sharing service YouTube in French and other languages. Google executives including CEO give further details of the new services at a news conference in Paris today. +++(c) dpa - Report+++[10162477] Internationaler Auftritt des Online-Videoportals YouTube PARIS 07/06/19. Google launches YouTube France in Paris. As reported last week, Google has launched versions of its video sharing service YouTube in French and other languages. Google executives including CEO give further details of the new services at a news conference in Paris today. +++(c) dpa - Report+++
Internationaler Auftritt des Online-Videoportals YouTube圖片來源: picture-alliance/dpa


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