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**FILE** The south tower of New York's World Trade Center, left, begins to collapse after a terrorist attack on the buildings as shown in this Sept. 11, 2001, file photo. Federal investigators believe the second World Trade Center tower fell much more quickly than the first because it faced a more concentrated, intense fire inside, officials said Tuesday. Oct. 19, 2004. Investigators have singled out this Associated Press photograph that they said may provide evidence to support their theory which shows a "kink" in the building's corner at the 106th floor. (AP Photo/Gulnara Samoilova, FILE)
AP Iconic Images 11. September World Trade Center圖片來源: AP


911事件過去11年後,紐約世界貿易中心產權方準備將捲入此事的航空公司告上法庭,索取數十億經濟賠償。美國的司法機關已經允許控方起訴美國航空公司(American Airlines)和聯合航空公司(United Airlines),後者的兩架受恐怖分子控制的飛機曾撞向雙子塔,並導致其坍塌。不動產企業"世界貿易中心財產管理公司"(WTCP)指責這兩家航空公司在安全檢查方面的不足,並要求它們做出28億美元的賠償。該財產管理公司認為,是這兩家航空公司的"疏忽大意"使得恐怖分子能夠順利登機,並將其劫持。

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