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A customer tries out an iPhone 5 smartphone at an Apple Store in Shanghai, China, 14 December 2012. Sales of the iPhone 5 have commenced in China on Friday (14 December 2012) with subdued crowds on hand, numbers minimized by the presale of nearly 400,000 phones in the weeks leading up to the launch. Due to a local electronics import tax, the iPhone 5 costs more in China than in other Pacific Rim countries, the 16GB version retails for $850, as opposed to $721 in Hong Kong. China is an area of great interest for Apple. This week finally sees the launch of the iPhone 5 after numerous regulatory issues, and the iPad mini began sales last week. Overall, China contributes 15 percent of Apples revenue, according to figures from the last fiscal year. pixel
Symbolbild China Mobiltelefon圖片來源: picture-alliance/dpa
