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Pedestrians walk past a branch of the China Construction Bank after the bank's chairman quit amid reports of a corruption probe at north of the commercial area of Wangfujing in Beijing, China Wednesday, March 16, 2005. The Construction Bank is among several big mainland Chinese banks expected to list shares overseas and on domestic bourse in the next year or so. But a series of corruption cases at the banks have highlighted the difficulties they are having in improving management and risk controls. (AP Photo)
圖片來源: AP

據路透社報導,中國建設銀行因受不良貸款拖累,利潤增長明顯下降。周日,作為中國第二大銀行的建設銀行公佈第三季度盈餘增加近9%,約500多億人民幣。而今年上半年的利潤增幅還高達近13%。與去年同期相比,不良貸款上漲了12%,金額高達80多億人民幣。 其他中國三大銀行還未公佈其統計數字。這幾家中國大銀行是世界上盈利最高的金融機構。但是現在中國各大銀行也越來越多地面臨著經濟增長放緩和邊際利潤下滑的壓力。

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