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A handout photo shows members of the Philippines Navy inspecting one of eight Chinese fishing boats spotted in the Scarborough Shoal, a small group of rocky formations whose sovereignty is contested by the Philippines and China, in the South China Sea, about 124 nautical miles off the main island of Luzon April 10, 2012. The Philippines and China traded diplomatic protests on Wednesday over a standoff in the shoal, a jointly claimed area in the South China Sea, but Manila ruled out the use of force in its enforcement of local maritime laws. Picture taken April 10, 2012. REUTERS/Philippine Navy Handout (PHILIPPINES - Tags: POLITICS MILITARY MARITIME) FOR EDITORIAL USE ONLY. NOT FOR SALE FOR MARKETING OR ADVERTISING CAMPAIGNS. THIS IMAGE HAS BEEN SUPPLIED BY A THIRD PARTY. IT IS DISTRIBUTED, EXACTLY AS RECEIVED BY REUTERS, AS A SERVICE TO CLIENTS
Philippinen China Streit um Seegebiet Fischereikontrolle im Südchinesischen Meer圖片來源: Reuters


在中國漁船離開南海爭議海域之後,菲律賓與中國之間的相關會談仍然陷於"僵局"。據法新社援引菲律賓外交部長羅薩裡奧(Albert del Rosario)報導,引起兩國海上對峙的八艘中國漁船已經離開爭議海域。羅薩裡奧在一份聲明中稱,他是於周五晚些時候在同中國駐菲大使馬克卿進行談判的過程中得知中國漁船離開的消息的。他還透露,截至周五深夜,雙方談判仍陷入僵局,兩國都堅持要求對方的船隻首先離開相關海域。菲外長還稱,菲律賓方面沒有沒收中國漁船所捕獲的瀕危魚類,就放走這些漁船,是"令人懊惱"的。

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