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FILE - This Aug. 26, 2011 file photo shows a sketch in one of the cells of the Abu Salim prison in Tripoli, Libya. Abu Salim is one of Libya's most notorious prisons and the scene of a 1996 massacre of prisoners. Human Rights Watch said it has uncovered evidence of a wider use of waterboarding in American interrogations of detainees than has been acknowledged by the United States, in a report Thursday that depicted in unprecedented detail the sweep of abuses in secret prisons under the Bush administration-era U.S. program of detention and rendition of terror suspects. (Foto:Sergey Ponomarev, File/AP/dapd)
圖片來源: dapd



人權觀察曾數次指責敘利亞政府違反人權、實施酷刑。最近一起監獄犯人死亡事件發生在上周末,一位活躍人士阿西斯(Omar Asis)在監獄死於心臟疾病。不過他的遺孀則表示阿西斯受到了非人道的待遇。

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