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An Iraqi resident stands near burnt vehicles after a car bomb attack in Baghdad's Kadhimiya district, February 8, 2013. Two car bombs were detonated simultaneously in a Friday street market selling birds and other pets in the Shi'ite district of Kadhimiya in Baghdad, killing at least 16 people and wounding another 44, police and hospital sources said. REUTERS/Thaier Al-Sudani (IRAQ - Tags: CONFLICT CIVIL UNREST TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY)
Irak Bagdad Anschlag Autobombe圖片來源: Reuters

發生在伊拉克的一系列炸彈襲擊事件已經導致至少26人死亡。炸彈在什葉派穆斯林聚居地區的市集上爆炸。僅僅在首都巴格達一座城市,就接連發生了兩起爆炸事件。其他細節訊息目前尚不得而知。在最近一段時間裡,伊拉克頻頻發生炸彈襲擊事件。其中不少襲擊都是極端伊斯蘭主義的基地組織在伊拉克的分支所為。該恐怖團伙鼓動伊拉克國內的遜尼派暴力反抗什葉派總理馬利基(Nuri Al-Maliki)領導的政府。

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