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Arak, IRAN: A general view of a heavy water plant in Arak, 320 kms south of Tehran, 26 August 2006. Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad opened a heavy water plant today that will feed a new research reactor, just five days before a UN Security Council deadline to suspend sensitive nuclear fuel cycle work. Inaugurating the facility along with the head of Iran's Atomic Energy Organisation, Gholam Reza Aghazadeh, and his deputy, Mohammad Saeedi, Ahmadinejad vowed the Iranian people would defend their rights to nuclear technology 'with force'. AFP PHOTO/ATTA KENARE (Photo credit should read ATTA KENARE/AFP/Getty Images)
圖片來源: Getty Images/AFP/Atta Kenare


伊朗外長扎裡夫(Mohammed Dschawad Sarif)稱,該國不會中止引起爭議的阿拉克(Arak)重水反應堆的建造工程。據伊朗新聞電視台報導,扎裡夫周三(11月27日)在議會向議員們介紹上周末同六國集團(聯合國5個常任理事國加德國)達成的解決伊朗核問題過渡性協議時強調,阿拉克重水反應堆的能力不會擴大,不生產新的燃料棒,不增加設備,但其建造工作將繼續進行。根據過渡協議,伊朗必須停止阿拉克重水反應堆的建造活動。該反應堆有能力生產可用於核彈的鈈材料。德黑蘭方面曾表示,該核設施將只生產醫用核材料。根據原定計劃,阿拉克核設施將於明年投入使用。

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