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epa03935466 Iranian demonstrators burn US and Israeli flags during a demonstration marking the 34th anniversary of US Embassy takeover in front of the former US embassy in Tehran, Iran, 04 November 2013. Thousands of protesters chanting "Death to America" gathered on 04 November at the former US embassy in Tehran to mark the 34th anniversary of the start of the Iran hostage crisis. American flags were stomped on and burned by participants, who take to the streets every year on November 4 in what is called a "day of national confrontation against world imperialism." EPA/ABEDIN TAHRKENAREH
圖片來源: picture-alliance/dpa

值伊朗學生佔領美國駐德黑蘭大使館34周年之際,數萬名伊朗人走上街頭舉行反美抗議。儘管兩國關係近期出現緩和,參加示威遊行的人數卻超過了去年。此次由保守派團體號召的抗議活動也針對以色列。據媒體報導,伊斯蘭民兵組織主席穆罕默德‧裡薩‧納格迪(Mohammed Resa Naghdi)也參加了遊行活動。伊朗與美國的關係近期出現明顯改善。被視為溫和派的總統魯哈尼7月當選後發出改善與西方關係,解決核爭端的訊號。今年9月,魯哈尼和美國總統歐巴馬通了電話,被視為具有歷史意義。

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