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epa03392792 MANDATORY CREDIT: KONTINENT AGENCY A handout photograph dated 13 September 2009 and provided by Kontinent Agency on 10 September 2012 shows a Swedish photojournalist Johan Persson in Dadaab refugee camp in Kenya. Ethiopia said 10 September 2012 it has pardoned two Swedish journalists, Johan Persson and his colleague Martin Schibbye, who were jailed last year for supporting terrorism. Photojournalist Johan Persson and reporter Martin Schibbye are serving 11-yaer jail term after being arrested in July 2011 for entering Ethiopia illegally from neighbouring Somalia with the Ogaden National Liberation Front (ONLF) rebel group. Ethiopian official said that late Ethiopian Prime Minister Meles Zenawi pardoned them his death last month, according to media reports. EPA/KONTINENT AGENCY / HANDOUT HANDOUT EDITORIAL USE ONLY/NO SALES +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++
被衣索比亞逮捕的瑞典記者圖片來源: dapd

2名瑞典記者在衣索比亞监獄中被關押了一年多後獲得赦免。衣索比亞司法部長周一在亞的斯亞貝巴說,已故總理梅萊斯‧澤納維批准了赦免。兩名瑞典記者是此次獲釋的1900名囚犯之一。衣索比亞司法部長強調,只有囚犯表示悔意,才能重獲自由。 獲得釋放的2名瑞典記者去年7月在與衣索比亞欧加登民族解放陣線的成員從索馬利亞前往衣索比亞途中被逮捕。衣索比亞視歐加登民族解放陣線成員為恐怖分子。衣索比亞司法機構以協助恐怖分子和非法入境的罪名判處2名記者11年有期徒刑。兩位記者承認非法入境,但是駁回了任何其他指控。對2名記者的判決受到人權組織的譴責。