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A picture of Edward Snowden, a contractor at the National Security Agency (NSA), is seen on a computer screen displaying a page of a Chinese news website, in Beijing in this June 13, 2013 photo illustration. China's Foreign Ministry offered no details on Thursday on Snowden, the NSA contractor who revealed the U.S. government's top-secret monitoring of phone and Internet data and who is in hiding in Hong Kong. The Chinese characters of the title read: "PRISM program whistleblower Snowden being interviewed in Hong Kong". REUTERS/Jason Lee (CHINA - Tags: POLITICS BUSINESS TELECOMS SCIENCE TECHNOLOGY)
圖片來源: Reuters


同爆料網站維基解密關係密切的冰島商界人士西於爾文森(Olafur Vignir Sigurvinsson)租下一架私人飛機,計劃將前美國情報機構雇員斯諾登從香港接去冰島。揭露美國情報機構實施網上監控計劃而聞名的斯諾登目前藏身香港,希望獲得冰島的政治庇護。西於爾文森當地時間周四(6月20日)晚間在冰島電視二台上透露,所租用的飛機周五即可起飛,現在只等待冰島政府的決定。《冰島新聞報》報導說,租用該飛機的20萬歐元來自私人捐款。冰島當局新近明確表示,當事人只能在冰島領土內才能申請冰島的政治庇護。西於爾文森是DataCell公司負責人,主管對維基解密的捐款事宜。

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