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Participants stand during the handover ceremony of power from of the National Transitional Council (NTC) to members of the national congress in Tripoli, August 8, 2012. Libya's ruling council handed over power to a newly elected national assembly on Wednesday in the North African country's first peaceful transition of power in its modern history but which comes amid heightened violence. REUTERS/Esam Al-Fetori (LIBYA - Tags: POLITICS) /eingest. sc
圖片來源: DW


本周三利比亞國民議會通過了總理阿裡‧扎伊丹(Ali Seidan)提交的內閣名單。新政府包括29位部長以及3名副總理。今年七月利比亞新國民議會由自由選舉產生。在昨天(10月30日),國民議會因民眾示威被迫取消推遲了原定對內閣名單的投票表決。當天有約百名示威者沖進政府大樓進行抗議示威,指責部分內閣部長人選與卡扎菲前政權有關聯。

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