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A poster of Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and the late Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini is seen next to bank of centrifuges in what is described by Iranian state television as a facility in Natanz, in this still image taken from video released February 15, 2012. Iran trumpeted advances in nuclear technology on Wednesday, citing new uranium enrichment centrifuges and domestically made reactor fuel, in a move abetting a drift towards confrontation with the West over its disputed atomic ambitions. REUTERS/IRIB Iranian TV via Reuters TV // Eingestellt von wa
圖片來源: Reuters


曾任內政部長的伊朗反對派人士努裡(Abdullah Nuri)呼籲對伊朗核計劃進行全民公投。反對派網站周四(7月12日)報導說,努裡日前在會晤一批大學生時指出,伊朗有民用核能的權利,但問題是,是否應為了一項權利而犧牲國家的整體利益。西方國家懷疑德黑蘭,以民用核電為幌子,秘密開發核武器。伊朗當局對此加以否認。現年62歲的努裡曾一度遭關押。在明年的總統選舉中,他有可能被反對派推舉為競選人。