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epa03308316 Deborah Abisror (R), an activist of the European Union of Jewish Students and an other activist show anti-Nazi stickers in front of the assumed flat of alleged Hungarian war criminal Laszlo Csatary is located in Budapest, Hungary, 16 July 2012. A British tabloid published on 15 July a report on finding Csatary in an apartment in Budapest. Csatary is accused of being a war criminal by the Jerusalem affiliate of the Vienna based Simon Wiesenthal Centre. The centre says Csatary as commander of the Hungarian gendarmerie of the then Hungarian town of Kassa is responsible for the murdering of 15,700 Jewish Hungarians by organising their deportation to the Nazi death camp of Auschwitz in 1944. The Prosecutor's Office has been invetigating the case since September 2011. The inscription at left reads "Our last chance for jurisdiction". EPA/BEA KALLOS HUNGARY OUT pixel
圖片來源: AP


據匈牙利通訊社周三(7月18日)報導,布達佩斯檢察署逮捕了一名涉嫌納粹戰犯。被捕者是現年97歲的喬塔裡(Laszio Csatary)。他被控在第二次世界大戰期間參與了對1.6萬名猶太人的屠殺行動。上周末,通過英國《太陽報》的一篇報導,外界方知,喬塔裡已隱姓埋名在布達佩斯生活多年。根據位於耶路撒冷的西蒙—維森塔爾中心提供的情況,作為當時被匈牙利所佔的斯洛伐克科西策(Kosice)地方的警方負責人,喬塔裡從1941年至1945年負責將1.6萬名猶太人運送進奧斯威辛滅絕營。1948年,他曾在捷克斯洛伐克被缺席判處死刑。

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