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ARCHIV: A pair of US military CH-47 Chinook are pictured in Mahmud Raqi, Kapisa Province on July 4, 2012. The French military July 4 handed over a key Afghan province to local forces, completing an important stage in France's accelerated withdrawal from the war-torn country. The province of Kapisa was the last area of Afghanistan under the control of French troops, the bulk of whom are due to leave by the end of 2012, two years earlier than the main NATO deadline. AFP PHOTO / Massoud HOSSAINI (Photo credit should read MASSOUD HOSSAINI/AFP/GettyImages)
圖片來源: AFP/Getty Images

北約在阿富汗東部進行的一次空襲再度造成平民傷亡。據庫納爾省(Kunar)省長公佈的消息,至少有10名平民喪生,其中有5名兒童和4名婦女。此外還有多名兒童受傷。地區行政長官薩希爾(Abdul Sahir)還表示,當時與遇難的平民在同一所房屋中的3名塔利班武裝分子也在空襲中死亡。北約證實了此次空襲,並表示將對死傷事件進行調查。據當地政府部門稱,阿富汗地面部隊也參與了此次行動。庫納爾省被視為伊斯蘭極端反叛武裝的重鎮。

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