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Indians dance as they participate in a 'One Billion Rising' rally in Mumbai on February 14, 2013. Indians were at the forefront of global protests on Thursday in the One Billion Rising campaign for women's rights, galvanised by the recent fatal gangrape that shocked the country. AFP PHOTO/Indranil MUKHERJEE (Photo credit should read INDRANIL MUKHERJEE/AFP/Getty Images)
One Billion Rising Aktion gegen Gewalt gegen Frauen圖片來源: AFP/Getty Images

曾經強姦一名瑞士女遊客的6名印度男子被判處終身徒刑。印度當地媒體報導稱,法院對這起於4個月前發生在印度中央邦(Madhya Pradesh)地區的強姦案做出了判決。受害者是一名瑞士婦女,當時她正和丈夫騎自行車游覽印度。期間遭到7至8名男子的襲擊。這些人制服了她的丈夫,並將他捆起來,隨後當著他的面前輪奸了其39歲的妻子。

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