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Ecuador's Foreign Affairs Minister Ricardo Patino attends a news conference at his office in Quito August 15, 2012. Ecuador said on Wednesday the British government had threatened to raid its embassy in London if WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange is not handed over, and that Quito would make its decision on his asylum request on Thursday. REUTERS/Guillermo Granja (ECUADOR - Tags: POLITICS CRIME LAW)
Ecuador Großbritannien Außenminister Ricardo Patino in Quito zu Julian Assange圖片來源: Reuters

南美國家厄瓜多爾外長帕蒂諾(Ricardo Patino)周四正式宣佈,向「維基解密」網站創始人阿桑奇(Julian Assange)提供政治避難。英國政府計劃將阿桑奇引渡到瑞典,後者對他提起了公訴,指控其涉嫌強姦。今年6月19日,阿桑奇逃往厄瓜多爾駐倫敦大使館尋求庇護,並滯留至今。就在本周三,英國警方一度發出警告,威脅將強行衝入厄瓜多爾大使館逮捕阿桑奇。

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