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EXETER, ENGLAND - MARCH 23: UKIP party leader Nigel Farage makes his keynote speech to the UKIP 2013 Spring Conference being held in the Great Hall, Exeter University on March 23, 2013 in Exeter, England. Buoyed by recent successes including the by election in Eastleigh where they came second, the party is claiming it is the only one with alternative policies and a vote for UKIP is no longer just a protest vote. (Photo by Matt Cardy/Getty Images)
圖片來源: Getty Images


初步計票結果顯示,對歐洲一體化持懷疑態度的右翼政黨—英國獨立黨(UKIP)在昨天舉行的英國地方選舉中的得票率大幅增加,聯合執政的保守黨和自民黨得票率銳減。根據初步計票結果,英國獨立黨在其參與競選的各選區的平均得票率約為26%。其中,在工黨籍的前外交大臣米利班德的選區,該黨甚至超過保守黨,成為第二大黨,自民黨落至第7位。英國獨立黨主席法拉奇(Nigel Farage)表示,對2015年的議會選舉而言,該黨已獲得有利地位。全部計票程序將於今晚結束。

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