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A TV video image captured off Venezuelan television network Telesur shows the Commander and member of the Central High Command Secretariat of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia - People's Army (FARC-EP)Rodrigo Londono-Echeverry a.k.a. 'Timoleon Jimenez' or 'Timochenko' who reads a press release some where in the Colombian jungle, 25 May 2008. The guerrilla commander announced and confirmed the dead of Pedro Antonio Marin, known as 'Manuel Marulanda Velez' a.k.a. 'Tirofijo' (Sureshot). EPA/TELESUR BEST QUALITY AVAILABLE EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Report+++
FARC Chef Timochenko Rodrigo Londoño Echeverri圖片來源: picture-alliance/dpa


儘管哥倫比亞政府拒絕了革命武裝力量(FARC)的停火協議,但後者表示仍將參加下月(2012年10)舉行的和平談判。革命武裝力量的一名發言人在古巴的哈瓦那表示,哥倫比亞總統桑托斯(Juan Manuel Santos)拒絕在談判期間停火的立場不是無法踰越的屏障。桑托斯曾表示,除非達成最終協議,不然政府軍不會有所讓步。哥倫比亞革命武裝力量從1964年開始就和政府處於武裝對峙的狀態。這一左翼激進組織主要通過販毒和綁架籌集資金。該國政府從2002年開始加強了對其軍事打擊的力度,致使該組織逐漸處於劣勢。

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