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epa03302278 Congolese warlord Thomas Lubanga (R) listens the first-ever sentence delivered by The International Criminal Court (ICC) in the Hague, the Netherlands, 10 July 2012. Lubanga, 51, was convicted in March 2012 of war crimes, specifically for using child soldiers in his rebel army in the Democratic Republic of Congo in 2002-03, in the ICC's first verdict since it started work a decade ago. Lubanga was sentenced to 14 years in prison. EPA/JERRY LAMPEN / POOL
圖片來源: picture-alliance/dpa


國際刑事法院周二(7月10日)宣佈,判處剛果民主共和國戰犯托馬斯‧盧邦加(Thomas Lubanga)14年監禁。起訴方曾要求判處30年監禁。這是國際刑事法院10年前開始工作以來首次作出判決。現年51歲的盧邦加今年3月已被國際刑事法院裁定犯有侵犯人類罪。法院認定,盧邦加在2002/03年的剛果內戰中招募成百上千名15歲以下的兒童參加武裝組織和作戰。法院裁定,盧邦加有系統地計劃、領導、實施了對兒童兵在戰場上的投入,並且還讓兒童兵充任保鏢。國際刑事法院今天的判決對全球範圍將使用兒童兵視為戰爭罪行具有指示性意義。

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