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A trader prepares flowers in the shape of a cross for sale outside the City Mortuary, for the victims who were killed during the attack at the Westgate Shopping Centre in Kenya's capital Nairobi, September 25, 2013. As Kenya began three days of mourning on Wednesday for at least 67 people killed in the siege of a Nairobi mall, it was unclear how many more hostages may have died with the Somali Islamist attackers buried in the rubble. REUTERS/Thomas Mukoya (KENYA - Tags: CIVIL UNREST CRIME LAW)
圖片來源: Reuters

法醫專家目前正在調查肯亞内羅畢發生恐怖襲擊事件的商場。上周六,索馬利亞伊斯蘭青年黨的武裝分子衝入西門商貿中心,警方對其進行了4天的圍攻,期間至少67人被武裝分子殺害。本周四,部分受害者下葬。肯亞当局稱,來自德國、英國和美國等世界各國的法醫小組可能需要一周時間來完成調查。伊斯蘭青年黨——這家與基地組織相關聯的索馬利亞組織稱,此舉是對肯亞军事介入索馬利亞、打擊伊斯蘭青年黨的報復。與此同時,本周四國際刑警組織發布對被稱為「白寡婦」的英國女子薩曼莎‧盧思韋特(Samantha Lewthwaite)的紅色通緝令。據英國媒體猜測,她是此次襲擊事件的嫌疑人。

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