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Superintendent Ho Yenn Dar (L), assistant director of media relations of Singapore Police Force listens to questions from journalists on the international match-fixing scam at the Ministry of Home Affairs in Singapore February 6, 2013. Singapore's police said on Tuesday it was helping its European counterparts investigate a syndicate accused of fixing the outcome of hundreds of soccer matches. REUTERS/Edgar Su (SINGAPORE - Tags: CRIME LAW SPORT SOCCER)
圖片來源: Reuters

根據國際刑警組織消息,新加坡警方成功打擊了一國際賭博黑手黨組織。在全國性打擊活動中,12名男子和2名婦女因涉嫌屬於該操縱國際足球比賽的犯罪團伙而被逮捕。據當地媒體報導,該犯罪集團老大譚丹(Dan Tan)目前也被拘留。歐洲刑警組織今年年初報導稱,有700場比賽涉嫌非法操縱。在義大利和匈牙利,譚丹已經被控操縱國家聯賽。

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