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Members of the International Football Association Board (IFAB) leave a news conference following an IFAB special meeting at the Home of FIFA in Zurich July 5, 2012. The picture shows (L to R): Secretary General of the Irish Football Association Patrick Nelson, Secretary General of the Football Association of Wales Jonathan Ford, FIFA Secretary General Jerome Valcke, Secretary General of the Scottish Football Association Stewart Regan and Secretary General of England's Football Association Alex Horne Ford. Goal line technology to confirm whether or not a goal has been scored and the use of the Islamic headscarf were approved by soccer's ruling body IFAB on Thursday. REUTERS/Michael Buholzer (SWITZERLAND - Tags: SPORT SOCCER SCIENCE TECHNOLOGY)
圖片來源: Reuters


德新社消息,國際足球總會正式通過將「球門線技術」引入足球比賽中去。周四(7月5日),國際足球總會秘書長傑羅姆‧瓦爾克(Jerome Valcke)在國際足球協會理事會於蘇黎世舉行的一次特別會議後,宣佈了這一消息。這一技術將在12月東京的世俱杯、2013年的聯合會杯及2014年巴西世界盃上投入使用。

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