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Turkey's Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan addresses members of parliament from his ruling AK Party (AKP) during a meeting at the Turkish parliament in Ankara June 26, 2012. The Turkish Armed Forces' rules of engagement have changed as a result of Syria shooting down a Turkish warplane and they will respond to any violation on the Syrian border, Erdogan said on Tuesday. Turkey would not engage in war-mongering, but the attack on the reconnaissance jet, which was deliberately targeted, would not be left unanswered, he said in a speech to his ruling AK Party deputies in parliament. REUTERS/Umit Bektas (TURKEY - Tags: POLITICS MILITARY TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY)


土耳其總理艾爾多安多次預告的訪問加薩地帶計劃已確定日程。土耳其媒體周三(11月28日)援引艾爾多安報導說,他預定下月5日訪問加薩巴勒斯坦地區。報導稱,在加薩地區掌權的極端伊斯蘭組織哈馬斯的政治部主任馬沙爾(Chaled Maschaal)向埃爾多案發出了訪問邀請,並稱,已對他的來訪做好了一切準備。艾爾多安曾一再嚴厲抨擊以色列對巴勒斯坦人的政策,新近更稱以方在加薩地帶的軍事行動是「反人道行為」和「侵略行為」。土以雙邊關係目前基本處於冰凍狀態。

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