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Boys stand with their fathers as they queue outside a voting centre in the final stage of a referendum on Egypt's new constitution in Giza, south of Cairo, December 22, 2012. Egyptians voted on a constitution drafted by Islamists on Saturday in a second round of balloting expected to approve the charter that opponents say will create deeper turmoil in Egypt. REUTERS/Khaled Abdullah (EGYPT - Tags: POLITICS ELECTIONS)
Ägypten Referendum Abstimmung Verfassung圖片來源: Reuters


埃及民眾開始就新憲法草案舉行第二輪全民投票。現任總統穆爾希(Mohammed Mursi)呼籲民眾,向草案投贊成票。而自由派反對黨則對此表示拒絕。外界認為,絕大多數投票者將向這一新憲法草案投下贊成票,因為埃及穆斯林派系在鄉村以及縣城的支持者多於大城市。非官方數據顯示,埃及各大城市民眾一周前向新憲法草案投下了57%的贊成票。反對派指責伊斯蘭派系在投票中作假。同時,反對憲法草案的抗議活動中再次爆發武力衝突。周五(12月21日)的衝突共造成至少30人受傷。埃及政府出動了12萬名軍人,以支持另外13萬名警察維持秩序。

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