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Journalist and television presenter Wael el-Ebrashy shouts slogans against Egyptian President Mohamed Mursi and the Muslim Brotherhood during a demonstration in front of the Presidential Palace "Qasr Al Quba" in Cairo July 2, 2013. Egypt's army has plans to push Mursi aside and suspend the constitution if he fails to strike a power-sharing deal with his opponents within 24 hours, military sources told Reuters on Tuesday. REUTERS/Amr Abdallah Dalsh (EGYPT - Tags: POLITICS CIVIL UNREST MEDIA)
Ägypten Protest gegen Mursi 02.07.2013圖片來源: Reuters

在前總統穆爾西下台一周半後,埃及新掌權者有望組建新內閣。據政府內部人士消息,新內閣關鍵崗位的人選已經確定。目前被委任為臨時總理的金融專家貝卜拉維(Hasem al-Beblawi)將出任財政部長一職,身為基督教徒的他曾代表埃及與國際貨幣基金組織談判。外交部長可能由前駐美大使法赫米(Nabil Fahmi)接任。代表軍方推翻穆爾西政權的阿西西( Abdel Fattah al-Sissi)將繼續留任國防部長。同樣留任的還有內政部長易卜拉欣(Mohammed Ibrahim )。由於各位候選人尚未表態,還沒有達成最終決定。另外埃及國家檢察署宣佈,將對穆爾西和其他穆斯林兄弟會主要成員就涉嫌間諜活動、煽動殺死抗議者和危害國家經濟進行刑事調查。

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