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May 10, 2011 - Khatki, Helmand province, Afghanistan - U.S. Marines of 3rd Battalion of 2nd Marine Regiment move through a dust storm in the bazaar during operation Rocky Point in the town of Khatki in Musa Qala district in Helmand province, Afghanistan. The purpose of Operation Rocky Point was to disrupt the trade of opium at one of the bazaars in the Musa Qala area that is known as a major narcotics hub, while no drug traffickers were detained during the operation, an estimated 60 pounds of raw opium were found and confiscated
圖片來源: picture alliance / k89/ZUMAPRESS.com


一支英國巡邏隊在阿富汗南部省份赫爾芒德遇襲,可能有6名英軍士兵喪生。英國國防部周三(3月7日)通報說,遭襲的裝甲車內的6名乘員失蹤,可能已經死亡。如被證實,這將是駐阿富汗英軍從2006年以來單次襲擊中人員損失最慘重的一次,並使英軍2001年參與阿富汗使命以來的死亡人數超過400。哈蒙德(Philip Hammond)國防大臣強烈譴責了此次襲擊行為。目前,駐阿英軍規模為9500人。

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