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WASHINGTON, DC - OCTOBER 26, 2013: A woman wearing oversized sunglasses lettered with the words "stop spying" listens to speakers during the Stop Watching Us Rally protesting surveillance by the U.S. National Security Agency, on October 26, 2013, in front of the U.S. Capitol building in Washington, D.C. The rally began at Union Station and included a march that ended in front of the U.S. Capitol building and speakers such as author Naomi Wolf and former senior National Security Agency senior executive Thomas Drake. (Photo by Allison Shelley/Getty Images)
圖片來源: Getty Images


《紐約時報》報導稱,歐巴馬總統計劃終止美情報機構對盟國國家和政府領導人的電子監控。該報周二(10月29日)援引政府官員和國會議員報導說,歐巴馬總統由此對美國與盟國之間 「監控門」外交危機做出反應。此前,有關聯邦德國政府總理梅克爾的手機通信多年裡受到美國國家安全局監聽的報導使相關外交危機加深。當地時間周一晚間,白宮表示,有關美國情報機構—國家安全局對盟友實施電子監聽,政府方面雖尚未作出最終決定,但政府願意禁止對盟友的監聽活動,標誌著美國國家安全局的活動將出現根本性轉變。