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Former Taliban fighters stand with their weapons during a ceremony after joining Afghan government forces in Herat on August 7, 2013. About 100,000 foreign combat troops, 68,000 of them from the US, are due to exit by the end of 2014, and NATO formally transferred responsibility for nationwide security to Afghan forces a week ago. AFP PHOTO/ Aref Karimi (Photo credit should read Aref Karimi/AFP/Getty Images)
圖片來源: Aref Karimi/AFP/Getty Images

美軍特種部隊在阿富汗逮捕了巴基斯坦塔利班的一名高級指揮官。五角大樓稱,逮捕馬哈蘇德(Latif Mehsud)依據的是9.11恐怖襲擊後美軍武力打擊基地組織的法律授權。不過《華盛頓郵報》稱,美軍是從阿富汗情報人員手中逮捕馬哈蘇德的,阿情報人員試圖借他推動與塔利班之間的和談。據稱,阿富汗總統卡爾扎伊(Hamid Karzai)對美軍行動感到憤怒。美國國務卿克裡本周五前往喀布爾就安全問題進行會談,而絕大多數國際部隊將於明年撤離阿富汗。