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Protesters take part in a rally organized by the PAME Communist-affiliated union as they hold banners with anti-austerity slogans in Athens, Tuesday, Jan. 17, 2012. Strikes and demonstrations over austerity measures hit the Greek capital of Athens on Tuesday, as international debt inspectors returned to resume their scrutiny of the country's reforms. Banner at front reads: "For the crisis, unemployment, poverty, exploitation, immigration...responsible the imperialism. Let's organize, unite and fight..." (Foto:Thanassis Stavrakis/AP/dapd)Protesters take part in a rally organized by the PAME Communist-affiliated union as they hold banners with anti-austerity slogans in Athens, Tuesday, Jan. 17, 2012. Strikes and demonstrations over austerity measures hit the Greek capital of Athens on Tuesday, as international debt inspectors returned to resume their scrutiny of the country's reforms. Banner at front reads: "For the crisis, unemployment, poverty, exploitation, immigration...responsible the imperialism. Let's organize, unite and fight..." (Foto:Thanassis Stavrakis/AP/dapd)Protesters take part in a rally organized by the PAME Communist-affiliated union as they hold banners with anti-austerity slogans in Athens, Tuesday, Jan. 17, 2012. Strikes and demonstrations over austerity measures hit the Greek capital of Athens on Tuesday, as international debt inspectors returned to resume their scrutiny of the country's reforms. Banner at front reads: "For the crisis, unemployment, poverty, exploitation, immigration...responsible the imperialism. Let's organize, unite and fight..." (Foto:Thanassis Stavrakis/AP/dapd)
希臘罷工圖片來源: dapd


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