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A front-page picture in centre-left daily Ethnos (C), shows the self-confessed killer at a Golden Dawn summer camp gathering on September 19, 2013. Musician Pavlos Fyssas was fatally stabbed in the working-class Athens district of Keratsini on September 18 by a 45-year-old truck driver who later allegedly confessed his Golden Dawn affiliation to police. The victim's family said that Fyssas and a small group of friends had been ambushed by a large gang of Golden Dawn supporters outside a cafeteria. The title of the paper reads 'The monster of Nazism kills -- resist'. AFP PHOTO / ARIS MESSINIS (Photo credit should read ARIS MESSINIS/AFP/Getty Images)
圖片來源: Aris Messenis/AFP/Getty Images

希臘警方逮捕了數名右翼極端政黨「金色黎明」的領導成員和代表。據當地警方消息,其中也包括黨主席米卡洛裡克(Nikos Michaloliako)。這名56歲的右翼黨領袖和他的黨內同僚被指責涉嫌攻擊移民和左派,其中也包括謀殺一名左派說唱歌手。希臘媒體報導,經過數天的調查,司法機構已經掌握了「金色黎明」犯罪行為的足夠證據。

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