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Parliamentarians of the anti-bailout radical leftist SYRIZA party hold a banner in front of the parliament in Athens, July, 16, 2013, during a 24-hour general strike in Greece. The banner reads "Let's fire the government. No lay-offs in the state and private sector". REUTERS/Yannis Behrakis (GREECE - Tags: POLITICS BUSINESS CIVIL UNREST)Parliamentarians of the anti-bailout radical leftist SYRIZA party hold a banner in front of the parliament in Athens, July, 16, 2013, during a 24-hour general strike in Greece. The banner reads "Let's fire the government. No lay-offs in the state and private sector". REUTERS/Yannis Behrakis (GREECE - Tags: POLITICS BUSINESS CIVIL UNREST)Parliamentarians of the anti-bailout radical leftist SYRIZA party hold a banner in front of the parliament in Athens, July, 16, 2013, during a 24-hour general strike in Greece. The banner reads "Let's fire the government. No lay-offs in the state and private sector". REUTERS/Yannis Behrakis (GREECE - Tags: POLITICS BUSINESS CIVIL UNREST)
圖片來源: Reuters



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