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epa03342823 Turkish soldiers and tanks wait in front of Gecimli military base where Kurdish rebels attacked near Hakkari, Turkey 05 August 2012. Fighting between Turkish soldiers and Kurdish rebels ended with 19 deaths in the southeast of the country early 05 August, the local governor told the Anatolia news agency. EPA/ANA TURKEY OUT EDITORIAL USE ONLY/NO SALES/NO ARCHIVES +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++
Türkei Kämpfe Kurden圖片來源: picture alliance / dpa

土耳其庫爾德叛亂武裝首次綁架一名議員。土耳其當局表示,反對黨共和人民黨(CHP)的成員侯賽因‧艾甘(Hüseyin Aygün)在土耳其東部的通傑利省(Tunceli)被劫持。庫爾德叛亂武裝通過親庫爾德的通訊社(Firatnews)宣佈對綁架事件負責,並警告土耳其軍隊不要展開大規模行動,搜尋侯賽因‧艾甘。在聲明中,庫爾德武裝稱,如果軍隊展開進攻,42歲的艾甘將性命不保。這位庫爾德族政治家長期關注人權問題。