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epa03146321 (FILE) A file image dated 26 June 2006 showing the SWIFT logo and entrance at their headquarters in Brussels, Belgium. Belgium-based SWIFT, the organization that handles global financial transactions between banks, said 15 March 2012 that it has been instructed to discontinue its communications services to Iranian financial institutions that are subject to European sanctions. The new European Council decision, as confirmed by the Belgian Treasury, prohibits companies such as SWIFT to continue to provide specialised financial messaging services to EU-sanctioned Iranian banks. SWIFT is incorporated under Belgian law and has to comply with this decision as confirmed by its home country government. SWIFT is a member-owned cooperative that provides the communications platform, products and services to connect more than 10,000 financial institutions and corporations in 210 countries. EPA/JACQUES COLLET BELGIUM OUT
圖片來源: picture-alliance/dpa


在傳出聯邦德國總理梅克爾的行動電話很可能也受到美國情報機構監聽的消息後,德國聯邦司法部長洛伊特霍伊澤—施納倫貝格(Sabine Leutheuser-Schnarrenberger)要求中止實施歐盟與美國之間的關於交換銀行數據的「斯威夫特」(Swift,環球銀行金融電信協會)協議。這位自民黨籍人士周四(10月24日)強調指出,最新的懷疑表明,美國國家安全局(NSA)監控醜聞沒有結束,歐盟議會表決中止實施「斯威夫特協議」是理所當然之舉,歐盟理事會和歐盟委員會也必須盡快在相關問題上作出決定。歐盟成員國國家元首或政府首腦今天起在布魯塞爾舉行為期兩天峰會。美國情報機構電子監控多個歐盟成員國的「監控門」事件成為峰會的內容之一。作為對今夏曝光的美國國家安全局電子監控盟國行為的反應,歐盟議會昨天表決通過一項議案,要求歐盟方面暫停實施「斯威夫特協議」。根據該協議,美國反恐機構有權獲知歐盟境內銀行客戶及國際電匯往來的數據。