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A Malian soldier stands guard outside where a meeting is taking place for the intervention force provided by the ECOWAS grouping of West African states, in Bamako January 15, 2013. France kept up its air strikes against Islamist rebels in Mali as plans to deploy African troops gathered pace on Tuesday amid concerns that delays could endanger a wider mission to dislodge al Qaeda and its allies. REUTERS/Joe Penney (MALI - Tags: CIVIL UNREST POLITICS CONFLICT)
圖片來源: Reuters


德國基民盟政治家波倫茨(Ruprecht Polenz)原則上不排除德國參與在馬裡軍事行動。任聯邦議會外交委員會主席的這位基民盟人士周三(1月16日)在接受電視台採訪時指出,在這個世界上幾乎無法排除任何可能性。他強調,如果情況有變,德國就必須以聯合國授權或馬裡政府請求採取進一步措施為基礎,在歐盟框架內對包括使用武力在內的使命進行討論,聯邦議會也將必須討論這一問題。德國政府迄今排除參與在馬裡軍事行動的可能性。

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