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新聞之後的時事焦點關注: 蘇丹總統巴希爾訪華,引起國際人權組織批評。 希臘議會今天表決削減開支方案。 溫家寶結束訪德,德語媒體認為,「貿易促變」在中國收效甚微。 香港較小政黨「新民黨」提議允許香港青年自願加入中國人民解放軍。 之後是德語媒體看中國。

Chinese President Hu Jintao, left, and Sudan's President Omar al-Bashir arrive at the signing ceremony at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing Wednesday, June 29, 2011. China rolled out the red carpet Wednesday for a state visit by Sudan's president, who is wanted on an international warrant that accuses him of war crimes. (Foto:Liu Jin, Pool/AP/dapd)
圖片來源: dapd
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