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TO GO WITH UN-climate-warming-China-solar,FOCUS by D'Arcy Doran This picture taken on November 28, 2009 shows a masked worker in a lab coat sorting silicon wafers at the manufacturing centre of solar cell maker Trina Solar in Changzhou. China has suddenly become the world's biggest solar cell manufacturing centre, thanks to companies like New York Stock Exchange-listed Trina, which have ramped up capacity, hoping benefit from world leaders' pledges at the December 7-18 Copenhagen summit. AFP PHOTO / PHILIPPE LOPEZ (Photo credit should read PHILIPPE LOPEZ/AFP/Getty Images)
China Solarpanels Produktion Archiv 2009圖片來源: Philippe Lopez/AFP/Getty Images

面對歐盟和中國之間不斷升級的貿易爭端,德國政府希望緩和局勢。聯邦政府發言人塞貝特(Steffen Seibert)周五在柏林表示,梅克爾總理致力於促使雙方心平氣和地達成和解。這也是去年歐中出現類似爭議時,德國政府的立場。中國總理李克強本月底將會來德國訪問,屆時梅克爾也將向他強調這一態度。不過,當前的反傾銷措施均由歐盟委員會自主決定。此前,歐委會表示要對中國華為和中興兩大電信設備供應商展開反傾銷調查。德國聯邦經濟部的一名發言人表示,勒斯勒爾部長對歐盟的這一決定深感擔憂。目前最重要的就是,通過協商與中國達成一致的解決方案。

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