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In this handout photo provided by Lithuania's presidential press service, Lithuania's President Dalia Grybauskaite visits imprisoned former Ukrainian Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko in a hospital in the eastern Ukrainian city of Kharkiv, Friday, May 11, 2012. Tymoshenko was moved to the hospital Wednesday to treat her severe spine condition that has rendered her partially paralyzed and in constant pain. Tymoshenko is now recovering from a nearly three-week-long hunger strike she started in late April to protest an alleged beating by prison guards. (Foto:Dzoja Borysaite, Presidential Press Service/AP/dapd)
Litauens Präsidentin besucht Julia Timoschenko圖片來源: AP


柏林夏洛蒂醫院的三名醫生周一將前往烏克蘭哈爾科夫市( Charkiw),和當地醫生一起商討如何繼續治療獄中反對派領袖季莫申科。夏洛蒂醫院方面表示,德國醫生希望在51歲的季莫申科的康復問題上和烏克蘭醫生以及當地健康部取得一致。10天前,季莫申科的律師表示,他的委託人染上了皮膚病,不能繼續背部治療。季莫申科2011年因濫用職權罪被判7年監禁。

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