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Syrian Health Minister Wael al-Halki speaks to the media at his office in Damascus, March 8, 2012. Syrian President Bashar al-Assad appointed Health Minister Wael al-Halki as prime minister on August 9, 2012, after the defection earlier this week of Prime Minister Riyad Hijab. Halki, born in 1964, is from the southern province of Deraa where the uprising against four decades of Assad family rule erupted. He replaces caretaker premier Omar Ghalawanji who was appointed hours after Hijab's defection. Picture taken March 8, 2012. REUTERS/Khaled al-Hariri (Syria - Tags: POLITICS CIVIL UNREST)
Wael al-Halki圖片來源: Reuters

據敘利亞國家電視台報導,敘總統阿薩德周四(8月9日)任命衞生部長哈勒吉(Wael al-Halqi)為新一任總理,接替前總理希賈卜的職位。現年48歲的哈勒吉來自敘利亞南部的德拉省,當地正是去年3月敘利亞動蕩的起源地。敘前總理希賈卜在8月6日宣佈倒戈投靠反對派。約旦已於8月8日證實,叛逃的希賈卜及其家人在周三早晨抵達約旦。希賈卜是敘利亞政局動蕩的17個月中叛逃級別最高的官員。

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