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Syrian army soldiers drive a tank in the town of Qusayr, in Syria's central Homs province on June 7, 2013 as regime forces sought to mop up the final pockets of rebel resistance north of Qusayr, after retaking the key town that was an insurgent bastion for a year, a watchdog said. Qusayr's capture gives President Bashar al-Assad the upper hand if a US-Russian plan for the first direct peace talks with his opponents materialises, analysts say. AFP PHOTO / STR (Photo credit should read STR/AFP/Getty Images)
圖片來源: Str/AFP/Getty Images


敘利亞內戰迄今已造成至少9.3萬人喪生,其中至少有6500名未成年人,1730名死者的年齡不到10周歲。聯合國今天(6月13日)在日內瓦通報說,延續了2年的敘利亞內戰中平均每月導致5000至6000人死亡。人權事務署高級專員皮萊(Navi Pillay)指出,這一極高的死亡率反映了敘利亞局勢的極度惡化。

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