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A Syrian youth stands next to a rebel waving a pre-Baath Syrian flag currently used by the opposition during an anti-regime protest in the northern city of Aleppo on March 22, 2013. The UN lamented the escalating violence in Syria and extended a probe into widespread human rights violations in the war-torn country. AFP PHOTO/BULENT KILIC (Photo credit should read BULENT KILIC/AFP/Getty Images)
奮起抵抗政府的敘利亞反對派圖片來源: AFP/Getty Images

敘利亞反對派有望從國外獲得更大的支持。美國國務卿克裡(Kerry)在「敘利亞之友」會議結束後表示,美國對敘利亞反對派的支持將增加一倍,增至1,92億歐元。此外,敘利亞叛軍還將獲得軍事裝備 - 雖然沒有武器,但在討論為敘利亞反對派武裝提供裝甲車和防彈衣等設備。聯邦外長韋斯特韋勒說,德國將增加援助1500萬歐元,達到1.45億歐元。此外,還將為敘利亞反對派提供防彈背心。

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