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Glenn Greenwald, the blogger and journalist who broke the U.S. National Security Agency (NSA) surveillance scandal, uses his lapton after an exclusive interview with Reuters in Rio de Janeiro July 9, 2013. Greenwald, an American citizen who works for Britain's Guardian newspaper and lives in Rio de Janeiro, was the journalist who first revealed classified documents provided by fugitive former intelligence contractor Edward Snowden, outlining the extent of U.S. communications monitoring activity at home and abroad. Greenwald talked about the NSA leaks by Snowden during the interview. REUTERS/Sergio Moraes (BRAZIL - Tags: MILITARY POLITICS MEDIA CRIME LAW)
圖片來源: Reuters

從事揭秘報導的記者格呂恩瓦爾德(Glenn Greenwald)離開了英國《衛報》(Guardian)。他是最為接近前美國國家安全局雇員斯諾登的人士之一,並與後者共同揭發了美國遍佈全球的訊息監控項目。消息人士周三(10月16日)透露,格呂恩瓦爾德將轉投網路電子商務平台Ebay創始人奧米德亞爾(Pierre Omidyar)新開辦的一家媒體企業。據美國富比世雜誌訊息,奧米德亞爾擁有個人資產85億美元。這位出生於法國的美國公民是伊朗後裔,並且長期從事社會公益活動。格呂恩瓦爾德本人在部落格文章中表示,這是「一生僅有一次的機會」。有關新設立的媒體企業的詳情將稍後公佈。《衛報》發言人對於格呂恩瓦爾德辭職表示失望,但同時承認其新職位極具吸引力。

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