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U.S. Army Private First Class Bradley Manning (C) is escorted in handcuffs as he leaves the courthouse in Fort Meade, Maryland, in this June 6, 2012 file photo. The court martial trial of Manning, who is accused of orchestrating the biggest leak of classified information in U.S. history through the WikiLeaks anti-secrecy website two years ago, began June 3, 2013. REUTERS/Jose Luis Magana/Files (UNITED STATES - Tags: MILITARY CRIME LAW SCIENCE TECHNOLOGY)
Bradley Manning verlässt das Gericht in Fort Meade圖片來源: Reuters

美軍士兵布拉德利‧曼寧(Bradley Manning)案目前進入結案陳詞階段。軍事法庭上,美國軍方檢察官指控曼寧以自我為中心,有意向「維基解密」網站洩漏70萬份文件。美軍少校費恩(Ashden Fein)稱,曼寧在知情的情況下向美國的敵人提供了機密文件,造成了美國歷史上最大的機密訊息洩漏,也違反了其在培訓成為陸軍情報分析員時曾簽署的保密協議。曼寧承認曾洩漏數十萬外交電報、戰爭報告和一個美軍直升機攻擊巴格達平民的影片。現年25歲的曼寧目前被指控犯有間諜罪和通敵罪,可能被判處終身監禁。 曼寧的辯護律師將於本周五進行最後陳述。

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