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Venezuela's Vice President Nicolas Maduro (2nd R) speaks during a meeting with political and military leader at Miraflores Palace in Caracas March 5, 2013 in this photo provided by Miraflores Palace. Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez was infected with cancer by "imperialist" enemies, his No. 2 alleged on Tuesday, adding that the socialist leader was suffering his hardest moments since an operation three months ago. Maduro's accusations and somber prognosis came during a televised meeting of political and military leaders at the presidential palace amid speculation of an imminent end to Chavez's 14-year rule. Pictured with Maduro are (L-R) Aragua's Governor Tareck El Aissami, Oil Minister Rafael Raemirez, Barinas' Governor Adan Chavez and Foreign Minister Elias Jaua. REUTERS/Miraflores Palace/Handout (VENEZUELA - Tags: POLITICS HEALTH) ATTENTION EDITORS - THIS IMAGE WAS PROVIDED BY A THIRD PARTY. FOR EDITORIAL USE ONLY. NOT FOR SALE FOR MARKETING OR ADVERTISING CAMPAIGNS. THIS PICTURE IS DISTRIBUTED EXACTLY AS RECEIVED BY REUTERS, AS A SERVICE TO CLIENTS
圖片來源: Reuters


隨著委內瑞拉總統查韋斯逝世,該國副總統馬杜羅(Nicolas Maduro)暫行總統之職,並將在30天內舉行的下屆總統選舉中成為執政的統一社會主義黨候選人。該國外交部長哈瓦(Elias Jaua)電視台作了這一宣佈。查韋斯因患癌症於當地時間周二(3月5日)16時25分去世,享年58歲。委內瑞拉國防部長莫勒羅(Diego Molero)呼籲民眾保持團結、鎮靜,並稱,武裝力量將對憲法保持忠誠。查韋斯總統逝世消息公佈前,馬杜羅召集有軍方人士和高層政界人士參加的危機會議,做出決定,驅逐美國駐委內瑞拉使館空軍武官。查韋斯於1992年因發動流產政變而首次為公眾所知。1999年當選成為總統。14年來,查韋斯對外高調反美,對內實行嚴厲的社會主義路線,並逐步將所有國家機構置於個人的掌控之下。

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